The Bobject is here!

This Autumn, we will be diving into Bob Chilcott's inspiring piece "We Are", setting powerful words by Maya Angelou from her poem, Human Family.

About The Project

"We are" will run throughout September and October 2024 and will feature tutti rehearsals, sectionals and a special session with the composer himself.
In addition, you will receive a downloadable score, submission videos to guide you through your recording and Umix tracks which allow you to focus in on your part.

Our rehearsals take place on a variety of days, in a variety of times to suit as many people joining LIVE as possible. All our sessions are available on-demand to watch whenever, and however many times you choose! Scroll down for an advance look at our schedule.
This is an image of composer Bob Chilcott holding a pile of vocal scores on a patchwork background of green, blues and purples.

About The Work

Bob Chilcott's We Are is a dynamic and vibrant setting of the poem “Human Family” by the celebrated American poet Maya Angelou. The poem's compelling message that “we are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike”, resonates throughout the piece, carried by a compelling rhythmic figure and rich, a cappella textures. The interplay between the voices creates a sense of unity and common purpose, making this piece a joy to perform and a meaningful addition to our repertoire.

We Are was commissioned by The King's Singers for their 50th anniversary celebrations and features on their album 'GOLD'.
This is an image of Maya Angelou with the Project Heading and a quote from her poem, Human Family that reads:

Join We Are with Bob Chilcott today!

We offer three participation options to cater to your preferences.

The Waitlist is now closed and places will be allocated by 30th August. We are still taking sponsored places and will keep allocating when they become available, thank you!

SingPlus members get 20% Off

ALL subscribers to SingPlus get 20% off!
SingPlus Members will find their code on their SingPlus Sessions course page under "My Discount Codes". Remember to enter this project's code at checkout to receive your 20% off. If you'd like access to our archive of over 50 different sessions, click the link below to join our subscription today.

Meet Bob Chilcott

Bob Chilcott has enjoyed a lifelong association with choral music. As a former chorister and choral scholar at King’s College, Cambridge, and a member of the King’s Singers, he transitioned to a full-time composer and conductor in 1997. Bob has composed a large catalogue of choral music, widely performed and recorded by leading British choirs and groups. His most often performed pieces include Can You Hear Me?, A Little Jazz Mass, Requiem, and the St John Passion. Bob's influence extends globally, having directed choirs in over 30 countries and conducting thousands of amateur singers in numerous Singing Days. His music is published by Oxford University Press and recorded by prestigious groups such as The King’s Singers, King’s College, Cambridge, and The Sixteen. Since 2002 he has been Principal Guest Conductor of the BBC Singers and since 2019 Principal Conductor of Birmingham University Singers.

Key Dates

Add these dates to your diary so you don't miss a live session.


Monday 2nd September Resources release
14:00 BST
Wednesday 11th September
Project Introduction
18:00 - 19:00 BST
Monday 16th September  Sectional Rehearsal: ALTO
17:30 - 18:20 BST
Monday 16th September Sectional Rehearsal: SOPRANO
18:35 - 19:35 BST
Saturday 21st September

Tutti Rehearsal with Graham
 14: 00 - 15:00 BST

Wednesday 25th September
Special Session with Bob Chilcott
18:00 - 19:00 BST
Thursday 26th September Sectional Rehearsal: TENOR
17:30 - 18:30 BST
26th September
Sectional Rehearsal: BASS
18:35 - 19:35 BST
Friday 27th September Submission OPEN
at midnight IN YOUR TIME ZONE
Monday 30th September Morning coffee with SAHC team
11: 00 BST

Friday 18th October
Submissions CLOSE at midnight IN YOUR TIME ZONE


  • I'm unable to join the live rehearsals, can I watch them back later?

    Yes! All of our projects are streamed live to Youtube. You can join in live in Zoom or on Youtube and all rehearsals will be made available to watch back as many times as you like. (usually within 24 hours)

  • I've not sung in an in-person choir before and don't have much/any choir experience, can I still take part?

    You will get all the learning resources needed including a downloadable score, guide tracks, Umix and will be supported by Tori and Jamie throughout the process. A basic music reading ability will benefit you.

  • Do I need to be an SAHC Subscriber to join this project?

    No you don't! Anyone can join this project at any time while the project is open. Subscribers have access to additional workshop content separate from our regular projects; and also receive a 20% discount on all projects. See this page for more information.