Renaissance Masters, Reimagined By Young Artists...

The Gesualdo Six has shot to prominence in recent years. Join them to hear their fresh take on two historic pieces of Renaissance Polyphony.

We have chosen two contrasting pieces from a similar era for this project, and singers will have also have the opportunity to feature in our next virtual choir video.

 'If Ye Love Me' is probably the most well known piece of English Polyphony, written by Thomas Tallis, court composer to British monarchs from Henry VIII right through to Elizabeth I, through one of England's most treacherous periods of religious and cultural history. 

Contrasting with this is William Byrd's vibrant 'Vigilate!'. The younger composer took over Tallis' mantle to some extent, serving in the Protestant court of Queen Elizabeth I despite being a practicing Catholic - which at the time was punishable by death. 

This project will reveal the cut-throat and tumultuous historical context of these beautiful pieces, as well as giving you the chance to record 'If Ye Love Me' for a new video which will be released around Valentine's Day 2023. 

What's Included?

  • Two Pieces Of Renaissance Polyphony

  • Part-By-Part Audio Learning Resources Sung By The Gesualdo Six

  • Sectionals for each voice part with Tori and Jamie

  • Your Face In A Final Performance Video Of 'If Ye Love Me'

  • NEW: Specially Recorded Performance Videos by The Gesualdo Six

  • NEW: Tips and tricks directly from the performers

Key Dates

Add these dates to your diary so you don't miss a live session

Monday 14th   Scores and Learning Resources Released
14:00 GMT
Opening Tutti with Owain Park
18:00 GMT
Wednesday 16th   Sectionals - 'If Ye Love Me' with Owain Park
Alto & Bass (Separate Rooms)
18:00 - 18:45 GMT
Soprano & Tenor (Separate Rooms)
18:50 - 19:35 GMT
Wednesday 23rd  Sectionals - 'Vigilate!' with Owain Park
Soprano & Tenor (Separate Rooms)
18:00 - 18:45 GMT
Alto & Bass (Separate Rooms)
18:50 - 19:35 GMT
Saturday 26th  Special Session
13:00 GMT
Tuesday 29th  Tutti Rehearsal
18:00 GMT
Tuesday 29th  Submissions Open
19:00 GMT
TBC Zoom Drop-In Lounge

Monday 19th  Submissions Close
- Midnight in YOUR Timezone

Sign Up Now

Join the project as a single participant or sponsor a singer on the waitlist.
Subscribers get 20% off all SAHC projects - please head to our SAHC Subscription page for further information

Before you sign up...Want a discount on all of our projects?

There'll be bonus content from The Gesualdo Six in our subscribers area!

About our waitlist

We believe that music should be accessible to everyone.

Through the generosity of our artists, partners, and Stay At Home Choir members, we offer sponsored places on each project, which support singers who otherwise wouldn't be able to take part. If you need a sponsored place to take part in this project, please click the button below to join our waitlist.


  • I'm unable to join the live rehearsals, can I watch them back later?

    Yes! All of our projects are streamed live to Youtube. You can join in live in Zoom or on Youtube and all rehearsals will be made available to watch back as many times as you like. (usually within 24 hours)

  • Do I have to submit audio? Can I just take part in the rehearsals?

    Not if you don’t want to! It’s absolutely fine for you to just come along to rehearsals and take part in the process without submitting your audio recording. There is an option to submit video as well as audio for this project - this is also optional.

  • I've not sung in an in-person choir before and don't have much/any choir experience, can I still take part?

    Absolutely! We provide all the materials you need to learn the music for our projects, including the score, voice-part specific rehearsals, and learning tracks. With members from over 75 countries with every possible experience level we make sure that whichever way you learn there are the resources you need.

  • Do I need to be an SAHC Subscriber to join this project?

    No you don't! Anyone can join this project at any time while the project is open. Subscribers have access to additional workshop content separate from our regular projects; and also receive a 20% discount on all projects. See this page for more information.